The IIC released the Industrial Internet Reference Architecture, which may prove crucial to the future success of the Industrial Internet of Things (IIot). A reference architecture provides a template solution for a particular purpose and a common vocabulary with which to discuss implementations.
The IIC Reference Architecture is expected to reach millions of people around the globe and change the IIoT for years to come.
Because of its foundational nature, the Reference Architecture document is broad and encompasses many domains that are crucial to the full success of IIoT. The first seven chapters set the stage for describing and defining the types of systems in an IIoT and also include descriptions of basic architecture (e.g. security and architectural tiers).
Chapters 8 through 16 focus on systems issues (such as connectivity, data management, and storage). There is also a lengthy section focusing on vocabulary, since this is one of the areas where unproductive divergences can begin.
The IIC RA will no doubt be subject to many future revisions, but it is already thorough and comprehensive.
Download the IIC RA here, or view Alan Earls' blog post on the document here.