Houston, Texas, October 3 - ISA announced yesterday that it is nearing completion of a non-exclusive licensing agreement to distribute and market the Control Systems Cyber Security Self Assessment Tool (CS2SAT) through the ISA Security Compliance Institute. ISA is the first potential distributor of the CS2SAT application due to its respected position in the automation controls community and its ability to reach over 100,000 automation professionals via its membership roster from key organizations comprising our critical infrastructure. The CS2SAT is a desktop software tool which guides users through a step-by-step process to collect facility specific control system information and then makes appropriate recommendations for improving the system's cyber security posture. Andre Ristaino, ISA's Managing Director of the Automation Standards Compliance Institute stated, "The CS2SAT tool fits into our strategy to fulfill a marketplace need for improved automation controls cyber security and provides an robust complement to the mission of the ISA Security Compliance Institute (www.isa.org/ISASecure)." The CS2SAT was developed by the Department of Homeland Security's National Cyber Security Division. The purpose of the CS2SAT is to provide organizations that use SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) and industrial control systems, with a self-assessment tool for evaluating the security of the control system. The CS2SAT industry standards and guidelines to assist asset owners and operators performing an assessment in identifying actionable control system cyber security mitigations. Beginning in late October, it is expected that the CS2SAT tool may be purchased from ISA's Security Compliance Institute at 919-990-9222. Further information about the CS2SAT tool including availability dates and how to acquire it, will be offered at conferences throughout the United States (www.isa.org/expo2007).More information can be obtained about securing control systems residing in critical infrastructure at: www.us-cert.gov/control_systems.