A good man passed away on Friday. The Rev. John Hill McCamey, 79, of Denver and lots of other places, went to his reward after suffering from the effects of several falls he'd suffered at home-- a condition similar to Alzheimers-- for several years. Born in West Virginia, he migrated to Colorado and California, and will return to West Virginia to rest.
Now, why is this of interest in an automation blog?
Because for the better part of 25 years, John McCamey functioned as the conscience of ISA. If John was "for" it, you could be assured it was a good thing to do, and if he was "agin'" it, it was time to stop and reassess. John served as a District Vice President, a Department Vice President, and a member of the Finance Committee (the folks who guided ISA in making all that money they have squirrelled away). And as Steve Huffman pointed out in his comment below, John served as Parliamentarian of the Society.
But as you can see from the fact that all that isn't mentioned in his obituary, that was not a big deal to John. His family, and his faith were what drove him. His wife Lucia and their daughters know.
And his friends know. I am proud to have considered John a friend.
In 2003, John achieved his lifelong desire-- to be ordained a priest in the Anglican Catholic Church.
Bless you, Father John, and thank you for all the life lessons you gave to the automation profession and to ISA, and last, and least, to me.