A Device DTM (Device Type Manager) is similar to a device driver (like the driver used to set up a new printer). It is created by the device supplier who has the most knowledge of the full capability of the device. The DTM includes a rich and user-friendly graphical interface to make device configuration, maintenance, diagnostics and troubleshooting fast and easy. The simple and clear user interface standardizes the training required to configure an intelligent field device, reducing set-up time and potentially reducing configuration errors. Device DTMs are available for more than 5500 different devices provided by leading process measurement suppliers.
The DTM runs in a device configuration application that provides a "window" into the device, independent of communication protocol and application/system supplier. Running on a PC, the DTM and the window application provide a clear and graphic information about the status, measurements, health and troubleshooting of a device using simple, easy-to-read drop-down menus, wizards, trends, graphs and other diagnostic tools.
Smart DTM Device Integration Benefits
There are many benefits to using the device DTM as part of your asset management strategy including:
- Getting proactive—rather than reactive—with your maintenance
- Reducing the time to diagnose a problem, avoiding a bigger problem,
- Identifying work that can be done before a shutdown,
- Avoiding unscheduled shutdowns and reduce the time during a shutdown,
- Lowering your maintenance and operations costs by using one universal tool.
Where Do I Get Smart Device DTMs?
The FDT-certified product catalog is available in "search and find" format for DTMs on the FDT Website. Or visit your device supplier's website and download the appropriate DTM. The DTM will then need to be uploaded to the specific "window" application you are using for device configuration and commissioning. Many of the devices you use today probably have a DTM – just ask for it!
By using the DTM for your device configuration and management, you become supplier-, protocol- and control system-independent. So when it comes to getting smart with your smart devices, the DTM can be your best solution. For more information on DTMs, please visit www.fdtgroup.org.
To learn more, please check out the FDT YouTube video on "What is a DTM?"