TiPS Inc., developer of LogMate alarm management software, has announced patent approval of its alarm activation point calculation. Together with Dr. Doug Rothenberg, founder and president of D-RoTH Inc., an alarm management consultancy, TiPS developed this exclusive method of providing a time-to-manage calculation for a user to respond to an abnormal device, and prevent or reduce unwanted consequences of the situation.
ANSI/ISA 18.2, the alarm management standard, requires documentation, prioritization and alarm limit calculations. LogMate is the only alarm management software that features an alarm limit calculation. LogMate houses this information in its Alarm Knowledge Base, fulfilling visibility and accountability best practices.
"This tool streamlines the documentation and rationalization process by recommending the setting for the alarm activation point, which is a foundational requirement of a properly configured alarm," said Rothenberg. "All current standards and guidelines call for the value to allow enough time for proper handling of the abnormal condition. While this is straightforward in concept, the actual setting is more involved. LogMate includes a tool that will calculate a recommended alarm activation point value directly, saving time and removing bias from the process."
The alarm limit calculation tool is included in the latest releases of LogMate, ver sions 7.20 and higher.