Over the next couple of months, we will be taking the pulse of our readership. You will have the opportunity to weigh in on two important issues surrounding your work as process automation professionals—training and salary.
As Editor in Chief Walt Boyes points out in this month's editorial (Blocking and Tackling Are Still Required Skills) the basic blocking and tackling of instrumentation knowledge is still crucial to successful process automation. What we want to know in our survey is how much of that basic training have you received? Where, in what ways, and how would you like it to be better? And, is your training ongoing? Go to www.controlglobal.com/basicskillsurvey.html and spend a few minutes letting us know about the state of your instrumentation training.
Then, in preparation for our annual June coverage of the state of pay, our regular salary survey is online. Go to www.controlglobal.com/salsurvey.html, and take a few minutes to complete it too. Then in June you'll be able to see where you stack up against your peers. This is also your opportunity to vent a little (or a lot) about what's good, bad, ugly or not about your particular corner of the process automation world.
Neither of these surveys will take very much of your time, and both will provide valuable insight into the state of the automation profession. Please participate and help us draw a clearer picture of process automation today.