PLEASANTON, Calif. – Transpara Corporation, a provider of operational intelligence software, today announced that its Visual KPI solution has been optimized for the Palm Pre phone. The only solution purpose-built for delivering data and key performance indicators (KPIs) to business users on any mobile device or PC without any additional programming, Visual KPI now provides Palm Pre users with on-demand operations, financial and infrastructure data via the new phone’s Palm webOS based browser. Transpara Visual KPI uses web technology to make key data available on any wireless device, generating graphics, scorecards and trends optimized for the specific device. Visual KPI ensures decision makers stay in direct and immediate contact with on-demand, role-based information required for them to take action.“By extending support to the Palm Pre, Transpara has added the new front-runner in usability to our stable of existing device support,” said Michael Saucier, CEO of Transpara. “Companies today are squarely focused on getting employees to work smarter and make better decisions by staying connected to critical business data. With support for more than 400 device types, Visual KPI data visualization dashboards provide users with an instantaneous snapshot of their most important role-based data, scorecards and trends.” Palm webOS, invented exclusively for mobile use, is the first mobile platform to bring information from the many places it resides – on the user’s phone, at work or on the web – into one integrated view. Tailored to fit the Palm Pre device requirements and screen size, Visual KPI delivers business-critical data in context, enabling timely decision making from any location. Visual KPI enables businesses – including those in the manufacturing, utilities, oil and gas and pharmaceuticals industries – to extend the value of their existing investments for improved operations and business performance. Visual KPI’s lightweight analytics turn the data generated from disparate sources – such as OSIsoft PI System, Rockwell FactoryTalk Historian, Invensys InSQL, Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, Excel Spreadsheets, SmartSignal, OLE DB and Web Services – into meaningful, actionable information.