Watford U.K. -- Hyperion Systems Engineering Ltd, an independent operator training simulator (OTS) supplier, has announced that it will supply multipurpose dynamic simulators for Shells new world-scale petrochemical complex, Shell Eastern Petrochemicals Complex (SEPC) in Singapore.
The project will comprise four physical simulators that will be used across the SEPC project life cycle to assist with engineering and operations analysis, DCS check-out and operator training. Detailed, rigorous models of the ethylene cracker complex (ECC) and monoethylene glycol (MEG) units will be built by Hyperion using DYNSIM and SIM4ME technologies, licensed by SimSci-Esscor. The models will be full scope with no simplifications. This approach will ensure the models are of engineering quality and can be leveraged for operations and engineering purposes. Hyperion will provide a solution integrated with duplicate Yokogawa CS 3000 DCS equipment to ensure both DCS check-out and operator training requirements are met. The full-scope nature of the project will result in simulators with significant hardware content. The systems integration aspects are also part of Hyperions turn-key responsibility.
In addition to the engineering uses the simulators will be used during the lifetime of the plants,to provide start-up training, training in abnormal situations, avoidance, identification and recovery and the improvement of operating procedures.
Peter Beerepoot, Shells lead, instrumentation and automation, of the SEPC Project said: Shell believes they are leading the industry in the use of a common set of dynamic simulation models for engineering, operations and operator training across the project life cycle. The multipurpose dynamic simulator is an important aspect of Shells Flawless Startup Initiative for this project. Shell selected Hyperion based on their experience and ability to deliver on an appropriate modelling technology to meet the multiple aims of the SEPC project.
The SEPC Project is the Shell Groups largest-ever chemical investment in Singapore, comprising the construction of a new ethylene cracker, one of the worlds largest mono-ethylene glycol (MEG) plants, and modifications to an existing refinery. The feedstocks, technology and scale involved in the building of this integrated complex, named the Shell Eastern Petrochemicals Complex (SEPC), make it a ground-breaking project. The integrated refinery and petrochemicals complex is estimated to be completed by 2009-2010 and will serve as a crucial raw materials provider to Asia's growing chemicals markets. Specifically, it will produce fiber-grade MEG for the region's rapidly expanding polyester textiles and packaging industries.