Transpara joins Symbol Technologies’ PartnerSelect ISV program

July 18, 2006
Transpara has announced that Symbol Technologies signed Transpara as an independent software vendor (ISV) in its PartnerSelect program. The PartnerSelect program enables Transpara to provide customers with tested, end-to-end enterprise mobility solutions that leverage the benefits of the latest Symbol products with Transpara’s Visual KPI software.

Pleasanton, Calif. -- July 18, 2006 -- Transpara has announced that Symbol Technologies signed Transpara as an independent software vendor (ISV) in its PartnerSelect program. The PartnerSelect program enables Transpara to provide customers with tested, end-to-end enterprise mobility solutions that leverage the benefits of the latest Symbol products with Transpara’s Visual KPI software. Transpara’s participation in the PartnerSelect program confirms the growing demand for mobile solutions with real-time delivery of and access to critical data about customers’ process manufacturing and utility operations, whether they are at their desktop or in the field.

“Businesses realize greater benefits if they do not have to worry about their technologies working together,” said Michelle Crissey, vice president of U.S. and Americas International channels at Symbol Technologies. “Transpara’s Visual KPI delivers critical decision support software to our enterprise mobility customers in the process and manufacturing markets. Together, Symbol’s and Transpara’s solutions will help increase efficiency and improve performance by un-tethering operators, supervisors and managers from their work stations, and delivering real-time information at the point of business activity.”

Transpara’s Visual KPI is a web application that enables users to create and distribute real-time KPIs (key performance indicators) to any browser, including handheld devices. Users can configure scorecards and KPIs in Microsoft Excel and publish them for instant use by anyone in the organization or supply chain, from plant floor managers to executives. Visual KPI supports dozens of mobile devices, including Symbol’s industry leading suite of mobile computing devices.