Mark your calendar for KEMA's 5th Cyber Security Conference

March 8, 2005

The latest advancements in security standards and technology:

  • Control system cyber security industry trends and practices
  • The business case for cyber security of control systems
  • Performance and economic metrics for securing control system infrastructure
  • CIP-002-01 Cyber Security (Permanent) Standard (formerly NERC 1300) status and potential impacts
  • Case studies and recent trends in control system attacks
  • Control system performance and manpower impacts of cyber events on control systems
    SCADA forensics
  • End-user cyber security experience with control system architectures and technologies
  • DOE National SCADA Test Bed testing results
  • DHS Control System Security and Test Center status
  • Technology required to secure control systems from cyber attacks
  • Status of US and international government control system research

Training, tours, and demonstrations:

  • Introductory and advanced SCADA seminars
  • Practical applications and interactive demonstrations of control system cyber security
  • Tour PNM’s Power Operations Control Center
  • Tour Sandia National Laboratories’ Center for SCADA Security

For more information, please email [email protected].

This conference is presented in cooperation with Sandia National Laboratories, PNM, Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory, and DOE.

An additional meeting to address International Control System Cyber Security Standards will be held Thursday, August 25, and Friday, August 26. Tentative representatives will include ISA, IEEE, IEC, CIGRE, NIST, PCSRF, CIDX, API, GTI, NERC, NRC, EPA, national laboratories (INEEL, Sandia, NIST, PNNL), and internatioal government organizations. If you would be interested in attending, or have a suggested agenda item, please send e-mail to [email protected].