Metso Valves Help Meet Environmental Regulations Metso’s Automation business has launched a comprehensive range of control valves under the iCV (Intelligent Control Valves) brand name. Aimed at both general and demanding applications and meeting environmental regulations especially in hydrocarbon processing plants, the offering consists of eccentric rotary plug valves, V-port segment valves, Neles RotaryGlobe valves, high-performance eccentric disc valves and top-entry rotary control valves.The rotary control valves reduce fugitive emissions by eliminating the gland-packing leakages often associated with rising stem globe valves. The non-leakage, live-loaded valve packing prevents the loss of raw material and also effectively eliminates the need for gland-packing maintenance and its associated costs. Metso claims superior control performance resulting from the frictionless, backlash-free valve and actuator construction and the valve-position control built into the Neles ND9000 intelligent valve controller, which also offers embedded online diagnostics. The range includes the Neles, Jamesbury and MAPAG brands, all of which are well known for their performance in flow-control, ESD and automated on-off applications. Metso in ShanghaiThe official inauguration of a new Metso Technology Center took place on May 28 in Shanghai. The facility is claimed to be the world’s newest and most modern valve factory and supply center and also supports the production, assembly and testing of process automation systems. In addition to the office premises, the center also houses the Metso Automation sales, project and engineering units in China, employing over 2500 people. Recently over 3000 rotary control valves, 1000 automated valves and 3500 intelligent valve controllers have been delivered to one of the world’s largest ethylene projects based in China, and over 100 Metso control systems have been supplied to the power industry.