Interactive Intrinsically Safe Barrier Selection Website from R. STAHL

June 6, 2011
R. STAHL introduces its free service, allowing their online visitors to select intrinsically safe barriers or galvanic isolators in two ways.

Intrinsically safe barriers and isolators are designed to be used in electrical circuits going into and out of hazardous locations as defined by articles 500 and 504 of the National Electical Code. 

R. STAHL introduces its free service, allowing their online visitors to select intrinsically safe barriers or galvanic isolators in two ways.

The first is through manufacturer. Simply select the manufacturer you are looking to use, find the part number, and pick your product.

The second is through an interactive guide that will walk you through the questions necessary to select the proper intrinsically safe barrier or isolator.

If you still have questions, you can click on our free live interactive chat button which will bring you to our team of intrinsic safety technicians. 

Go to to view this free service.