Adam-2000Z series of I/O modules use the IEEE 802.15.4 standard I/O and latest sensor technology, while supporting 2.4-GHz mesh networking. The series includes five modules, a Modbus/RTU gateway, router node, I/O and sensor devices. It features low power consumption, ensured data integrity, Modbus/RTU protocol support and a wireless site survey tool in the Adam utility.
Advantech Corporation
USB-1608FS-Plus is a high-speed, multifunction USB DAQ device with sampling rates up to 400 kS/sec (800 kS/sec burst mode). This new module offers twice the throughput of Measurement Computing’s current USB-1608FS at the same price. It provides eight, 16-bit, simultaneously sampled analog inputs, eight digital I/O (high-current 24 mA), and one counter input.
Measurement Computing
(508) 946-5100
Exair's new USB Data Logger maintains a history of its Digital Flowmeter measurements for analysis. Use the included software to configure the Data Logger to record your flow rate. Record from once a second up to once every 12 hours. Data can be viewed in the included software or exported directly into Microsoft Excel. The Data Logger is available pre-installed on the Digital Flowmeter.
FX1000 paperless recording system delivers a high level of measurement, recording and networking functionality in a compact package. The shallow 6.5-in. case depth behind the panel allows installation in tight locations and easy system integration. Up to 12 universal input channels are available with optional alarm relays, loop power supply, remote control inputs and 24-V AC/DC power.
InduSoft Web Studio v7.1 offers enhanced interface capabilities for use on a variety of smart phones and tablets. It works with any HTML.5 web browser to display alarms, trends and critical tag values. It also adds widgets (gauges, switches and text boxes) to monitor and interact with process values (tags) on any current browser, including those found on iPads, iPhones (iOS Safari), Android phones and tablets.
The 750-880 EtherNet 2.0 programmable fieldbus controller features 1 MB of program and data memory and an SD port for up to 8 GB of extra memory. The removable SD card transfers device parameters, boot files or other file types from one controller to another for back-up and restore. Accessible via FTP, the SD card also functions as an additional drive or data backup.
NL5000-T transceiver series provides increased throughput and longer range for multiple address systems. Transparent and direct asynchronous communication offers real-time communications. They are field-configurable as a master station or remote radio, and can operate as a half-duplex or simplex radios. Fully compatible with JSLM and JSLM2.
RF Neulink
SuperView Mobile Lite is a free Android remote monitoring application for Novus data loggers. This mobile version of the SCADA SuperView Mobile app enables users to remotely supervise their industrial process using a smart phone or tablet. Available at Google Play for Android 2.1 and up, it allows users to remotely read values from devices using Modbus TCP protocol.
CAS DataLoggers
Mag 20 industrial data acquisition and control system is a family of DIN-rail- mounted, programmable, multi-channel, rugged signal conditioning I/O and communication modules. Features include 1500 Vrms channel-to-bus isolation; ±0.035% accuracy; operating temperature of -40 °C to +85 °C; CE and Atex certification; and UL Class I, Division 2, Groups A, B, C, D pending.
Sensor Fusion is a 3U DAQ device integrated with the Automation 3200 motion controller for precise time alignment of motion and data acquisition functions. Data collection is synchronized across all cards, so there is never a need to align data after collection. Setup, data recording and data playback can be done through .NET, C, LabView, MatLab or AeroBasic programming languages.
OptoEMU Sensor DR is a compact unit for monitoring energy use. Connected to utility meters, plant equipment and facility systems, it gathers real-time energy consumption and demand data, and delivers it to enterprise business and control systems and web-based applications for monitoring and analysis, helping businesses take advantage of lucrative demand-response (DR) programs.
CPMS is an economical cathodic protection monitoring system. It monitors critical current and voltage levels of one- or two-transformer rectifiers in impressed current cathodic protection systems. This includes monitoring specific Vdc, mV and mA inputs, as well as dual Modbus RTU (master or slave) and Ethernet, which is required for monitoring impressed current systems.
Moore Industries International
818/ 894-7111
PLX30 gateways support multiple I/O connections to EtherNet/IP-enabled PACs, providing real-time transfer of up to 4000 words of data between devices, such as HMIs and SCADA systems, power monitors and flow computers. All Modbus serial ports are individually configurable for master or slave, RS232, RS422 or RS485, and provide a flexible host or device interface solution.
CompactDAQ platform with standalone data acquisition systems is compatible with more than 50 sensor-specific I/O modules for flexible, mixed-measurement data logging. It includes a built-in dual-core Intel processor and onboard storage to deliver high-performance processing in one portable system. Using NI LabView, engineers can customize a data-logging or embedded monitoring solution.
National Instruments
OM-CP-State101A state data logger is a low-cost, battery-powered data logger that records input transitions or contact closures from transducers or state initiators. This CE-compliant product has a 10-year battery life, 4-Hz reading rate, multiple start/stop function, ultra-high-speed download capability, 406,323 reading storage capacity, optional memory wrap, battery life indicator and more.
DT9838 strain- and bridge-based, bus-powered USB acquisition module offers high-speed performance in a compact form factor. It removes the need for an external power supply, and offers 24-bit resolution; direct connectivity; 52 kS/s simultaneously sampled analog inputs; full-, half-, and quarter-bridge completion; up to 10 V internal excitation; and channel expansion to synchronize up to four DT9838 modules.
Data Translation
Liquiline CM44 Series transmitters accept inputs from up to eight Memosens digital analytical sensors, including nitrate, spectral absorption coefficient (SAC), pH, ORP, conductivity, oxygen, turbidity and ion-selective electrode sensors. Outputs include up to eight 4-20mA current outputs with HART, Ethernet, Profibus, Modbus TCP or 485 networks.
X-series paperless recorders enable electronic acquisition and storage of data. Their graphical display makes them ideal for use by plant managers, engineers, maintenance and quality control personnel and operators. In addition, three models are available. Each one displays various combinations of horizontal and vertical charts, digital values and bar graphs.
Honeywell Process Solutions

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